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Our Explicit Improvement Agenda
Student Voice and Agency
Planning for improved student learning
Lamont Book Fair
Lamont Book Fair is here and students have had the opportunity this week to browse through the books on offer and create their wish lists. A big thank you to Trish Papanastasiou for organising and co-ordinating the Book Fair with Lamont. It is a wonderful opportunity for our students and promotes a love of reading and interest in books with our students - perfect timing for that Christmas stocking filler! Thank you Trish!
Foundation Zoo Excursion
Our Foundation students will experience their first school excursion to the Melbourne Zoo next Wednesday 30 November, 2022. It will be a day that begins with lots of excitement, fun and laughter as our Foundies venture on a big bus ride to the City. We are very much looking forward to celebrating our students learning and hearing all about their visit to Melbourne Zoo - have a great day Foundies!!
2023 Student Leaders Process – Year 5 students
Congratulations to all our Year 5 students who nominated for student leadership positions in 2023. Speeches for School Leader, Faith Leader, Learning Leader, Environment Leader and Sports Leaders began today.
Our Year 5 students are to be commended on the quality and presentation of their leadership speeches. Their speeches highlighted how very blessed and fortunate we are at Mary MacKillop to have such dedicated and passionate students who demonstrate our school values, not only through their speeches, but also in the way they congratulated and supported each other throughout the leadership formation and application process. Our students were inspirational in overcoming nerves, to memorise their speech and present them in an engaging way to our Year 5 and Year 4 students. We look forward to announcing the successful candidates in the coming weeks:
- School Leaders (x 2)
- Faith Leaders (x2)
- Learning Leaders (x2)
- Environmental Leaders (x2)
- House Leaders (4 x 1 per House)
Our student leaders play a very important role in our school community. They are ambassadors and role models for our school and participate in many and varied activities from leading assembly each week, guided school tours, Mass Ministries, sporting events, growing and selling garden produce. Our current Year 6 school leaders have been exemplary role models to all students in our school community. We are very proud of the leadership potential and development of our students and the school values they display in their interactions and leadership roles.
Year 6 Graduation
Our Year 6 Mass and Graduation ceremony will be held on Wednesday 14 December from 5.00 pm. The format of the evening is as follows:
- 5.00 pm Student Dinner
- 5.45 pm Year 6 Graduation Mass Celebration with Families followed by Year 6 Graduation Presentation
Information was communicated to all Year 6 students and their families via PAM this week. We look forward to a very special evening to celebrate our Year 6 students and to wish them all the very best on their educational journey.
Enterprise Bargaining Agreement - EBA
As you may be aware, teacher shortages and workload are being discussed and reviewed in the political arena and on the media. After much consultation, the DOSCEL EBA 2022 Agreement was signed by all parties and endorsed by the Fair Work Commission. The EBA takes into account, amongst other things, teacher workload including scheduled classes, planning times, student supervision etc. Therefore, to reflect the conditions outlined in the EBA, the following changes will apply from the beginning of the 2023 school year:
- The school gates will open at 8.30am in the morning and classes will begin at 8.45am. We ask parents not to drop their child/children off before 8.30am as there is no student supervision before 8.30am.
- The school day will finish at 3.10 pm in the afternoon. We ask parents to please ensure their child is collected from school at this time at the end of the day so teachers can begin their scheduled staff/planning meetings within their allocated hours of work.
Youth Leadership Victoria will continue to provide before and after school hours services on site in the Lomas Gym. We ask parents to utilise this service, if required, and thank parents and families for working in partnership with us. Application forms are available from the office or by calling YLV directly on 0419 573 185
Change of Date - end of 2022 school year for students
End of Term 4 for students will now conclude on
THURSDAY 15 DECEMBER, 2022 at 3.15 pm
Our last day of school for students will include:
End of School Year Mass
Student Christmas Concert (Footsteps Dance)
Community farewell to our Year 6 students
Staff return on Friday 27 January 2023 (planning day)
Students commence school on Monday 30th January 2023 at 8.45 am (Years 1 - 6)
(Foundation students start at 9.15am on the first day of school)
Footstep Dance Company will be providing an in school program for all grades over the next three weeks leading up to a Christmas Concert finale to be presented on Thursday 15th December in Allen Hall.
St Vincent de Paul 2022 Christmas Appeal
Many families are struggling to survive the increasing cost-of-living pressures this Christmas. Your generosity can provide urgent relief for families who are doing it tough, and help provide a lot more joy this Christmas.
The MacKillop Kids group have organised a Christmas Appeal supporting the Narre Warren St Vincent de Paul Conference Group who are seeking support from Parishes and schools to give generously to the 2022 Christmas Appeal. Donations of suitable new toys for children aged 5-12 years would be greatly appreciated for parents to give gifts they know their children dream of. Please place unwrapped gifts in classroom collection boxes. The 2022 Christmas Appeal will run through to 9th December.
Term 4 Mass and Reconciliation celebrations
All parents, families and friends are invited to celebrate Mass and Reconciliation during the term. The attachment outlines class and school celebrations for the term. When attending a celebration please sign in at the School Office.
We do ask that all parents and visitors in our school that your mobile phones are either switched off, on silent and put away during prayer and liturgical celebrations. Thank you.
Children's Mission Society Drawing competition - Sale Diocese
On 19th May 2023, the Pontifical Children’s Mission Society will celebrate 180 years. Catholic Mission Australia is holding a drawing competition - with one winner from every Australian Diocese - looking for the best picture illustrating how Pope Francis inspires children to help other children.
The entry form is attached or may be downloaded from: Global drawing competition
Entry is free. Entries close 30 November 2022. Entrants are to send their entry to Catholic Mission National Office, PO Box 1668 North Sydney NSW 2059 (Attention: Drawing Competition)
Shepherd’s Table
Shepherd's Table is a ministry of Our Lady Help of Christians Parish who provide meals to those in need in our broader community. Meals are held on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month in the Parish Centre between 11.30am-1.30pm. Call Max on 0407788845 to make a booking. The Team are extending an invitation to those who would benefit from receiving a Christmas Hamper to make this Christmas a little easier to cope with the demands of needs that some families find challenging to cover at this time of the year. Please forward your interest to the School Office.. With the rising costs of grocery items, small gifts and consumables Shepherd’s Table are offering some support to families this Christmas. All details are held in strict confidence.
Icypole Day
Students from the school are requesting the return of an icy pole day during Term 4. With only a few weeks left, if a parent/s have a couple of hours free on a non-canteen day, we would appreciate your assistance with the organization of selling icy poles over the counter from the canteen. If you can help please contact the School Office.
First Sunday of Advent, Cycle A
Sunday, November 27, 2022
Matthew 24:37-44
Jesus tells his disciples that the coming of the Son of Man will catch many people unprepared. Jesus tells his disciples that they are to always be ready for the day of the Lord.
Next Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent, which is also the first Sunday of a new liturgical year for the Church. The Advent season includes the four Sundays that precede Christmas. It is a time of preparation for the coming of the Lord. In this season, we recall two central elements of our faith: the final coming of the Lord in glory and the incarnation of the Lord in the birth of Jesus. Key themes of the Advent season are watchful waiting, preparation, and justice. Advent is the season in which we prepare our hearts and homes to celebrate Jesus’ birth at Christmas. We also prepare for something else—the day of the Lord, when Jesus will return in glory.
OLHC Parish
Mary MacKillop Primary School is one of the three Parish Primary Schools belonging to the Parish of Our Lady Help of Christians, Narre Warren within the Diocese of Sale. Fr Brendan Hogan is our Parish Priest and Fr Ajin Albarnas is our Assistant Priest. We are grateful for their ongoing prayers, involvement and support of the students, families and staff of Mary MacKillop School.
PARISH BULLETIN - Click on the link below to download the weekly newsletter:
Students in the Foundation year level have been learning about 3D shapes and their features.. As a part of their learning, they have created their own model of a 3D shape using match sticks and a playdough and have been able to identify how many edges, corners and faces each shape has.
Jordan: I have made a square pyramid, it has 5 corners, 5 faces and 8 edges.
Emilija: I have made a cube, I know this is a 3D shape because it's not flat and has lots of faces and corners.
Logan: I have made a triangular prism, it is made up of triangles and rectangles. It has 6 corners, 5 faces and 8 edges.
Stefanya: This cube is a 3D shape it has 6 faces, 8 corners and 12 edges.

This week in Japanese, Junior and Foundation students learnt about the 7-5-3 Festival. This is a festival which celebrates children who are 7, 5 and 3 years old. Japanese children dress up in kimono, make lucky lolly bags and are given special sweets for good luck.
Name | Class | Learning Award |
Chase | 1-BC | Learning Awards - Be Responsible |
David | 3-RJ | Learning Awards - Be Courageous |
Adam | 4-HF | Learning Awards - Be Courageous |
Jovan | 4-HF | Learning Awards - Be Responsible |
Jonathan | 5-AB | Learning Awards - Be Responsible |
Ruben | 5-SD | Learning Awards - Be Problem Solvers |
Alanna | 6-MV | Learning Awards - Be Responsible |
Child Safe Standards
Our school is safe, student centred and animated by our school values.
We aim to Inspire Hearts and Minds.
"Children are the future of the human family: all of us are expected to promote their growth, health and tranquillity." Pope Francis 2021
Catholic Education Commission of Victoria (CECV)
The updated CECV Statement of Commitment to Child Safety - A safe, nurturing and empowering culture for all children and young people in Catholic schools, is attached to this newsletter. This statement has been updated in light of the revised Child Safe Standards coming into effect from 1 July 2022 and the supporting Ministerial Order No. 1359.
Child Safe Policies
Child friendly version of Child Safe Policy (updated June 2022)
Congratulations to our Year 6 Student Leaders on their creation of the student friendly version of the Child Safe Policy. This policy has been uploaded to our website Child Safe page and can be found in the following link
Child Safe Standards and Parent use of Mobile Phones, Privacy Laws
We ask all parents to be mindful of their mobile phone usage, child safety and privacy laws when visiting our school. During such times as morning Prayer time, Mass, Assemblies and school events/gatherings, we ask parents to turn off or put away their mobile phones and to respect the privacy of all students. Photographs and video footage cannot be taken of students without parental permission. Reminders of safe mobile phone usage will be shared with the school community at morning prayer times and assemblies. On special occasions such as student awards at assemblies or student graduations, space will be made available for parents to photograph their child in a child safe way. We thank you for working in partnership with us to respect the privacy of all our students.
Child Safe Resources to support Students, Parents/Carers
- eSafety Commissioner
- NEW online safety for every family The ‘Online safety for every family’ resources will give parents and carers the confidence to talk with their children about online safety. The resources also have important links and information to help if something bad does happen online.
- The videos and advice sheets cover:
- Helping your family stay safe online
- Getting started with social media
- Safer online gaming
- Getting help when your child is being bullied online
- Downloadable resources to help you start the chat about online safety issues and strategies with your child.
- CCYP - Commission for Children and Young People
- Bravehearts
- eSafety Commissioner
- Daniel Morcombe Foundation
- Parenting Ideas
How to recognise Autism in girls Missing out on an early diagnosis of autism means missing out on early intervention and support for the whole family, but also means a child may incorrectly assume that she id shy and withdrawn… View the attached article:
This year we are offering 2 ways of making purchases:
- Online orders/click and collect; parents/guardians can order online between Tuesday 22.11.22 and 4pm Wednesday 30.11.22 . Instructions on how to order online can be found on the back of the wishlist. PLEASE CLEARLY ENTER THE BOOK TITLE(S) IN YOUR ONLINE ORDER. WITHOUT THIS WE CANNOT FULFILL THE ORDER. Parents and/or students can collect the books from the Student Support Room (next door to Student Reception) between 2.45pm and 3.30pm on Monday 28.11.22, Tuesday 29.11.22 and Friday 02.12.22. Please remember to bring a bag to pop your books in!
- Onsite purchases; parents can come into school to the book display in the Literacy Resource area and purchase books using EFTOS only (no cash) and take them away once purchased. Onsite purchases are open 3pm - 3.30pm Wednesday 30.11.22 and Thursday 01.12.22 and 8.30am - 9.15am Thursday 01.12.22. Please remember to bring a bag to pop your books in!
- Class 'shop/walk-through' of book display for wishlists - Tuesday 22.11.22 and Friday 25.11.22
- Click and collect days - between 2.45pm and 3.30pm Monday 28.11.22, Tuesday 29.11.22 and Friday 02.12.22 from the Student Support Room (next door to the Student Foyer) Please remember to bring a bag to pop your books in!
- On-site sales - 3pm - 3.30pm Wednesday 30.11.22 and Thursday 01.12.22 and 8.30am - 9.15am Thursday 01.12.22 in the Literacy Resource area Please remember to bring a bag to pop your books in!