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Our Explicit Improvement Agenda
Student Voice and Agency
Planning for improved student learning
Welcome to Term 2
Congratulations to our Student Leaders - Scarlett, Alanna and Natalie on the way they led us through the ANZAC Day Prayer service on Tuesday. We were able to gather as a school community to commemorate those in the past who have been involved in war and to pray for world peace and for those who continue to suffer in our present day. We give thanks for all those in our school community for their contributions to our poppy display from 2020 and especially to Harvey and Fletcher’s Nanna - Avril on her beautifully knitted poppies this year. Lest we forget . . .
Celebrations of Learning
Cross Country
Congratulations to our Year 3 - 6 students on their fantastic achievements in Cross Country yesterday. Mr. Tim has more information and photos attached to the newsletter. We wish our students attending the Berwick District Carnival on 24 May all the very best at the next Cross Country meet.
Student Learning Portfolios
The Term 1 Student Learning Portfolios were distributed to families this week for your child to share their learning journey from last Term. A parent feedback sheet is included in the Student Learning Portfolios and we encourage all parents to complete this sheet and share your feedback with your child. We thank you, in advance, for working in partnership with us on your child’s learning journey.
Mother’s Day Stall and Breakfast
As a school community, we are very much looking forward to honouring and celebrating all our school mums on Mother’s Day. The Mother’s Day Stall will be held for students on Wednesday 4 May and our Mother’s Day Breakfast will be held at 7.30 am on Friday 6 May. More information regarding the Mother’s Day Stall and Mother’s Day Breakfast was sent home this week via PAM and we look forward to receiving the RSVP so we can adequately cater for this very special event.
Open Days
Enrolments for 2023 are well underway with places filling fast. We will be holding Open Days next week on Tuesday 3 May and Thursday 5 May (9.30 - 10.30 am and 5.00 - 6.00 pm). Our Year 6 student leaders will take families on the school tour and we look forward to sharing and celebrating everything we have to offer.
Emergency Management Plan - Evacuation Drill
As part of our VRQA requirements and our commitment to student safety, we will be holding a practice Evacuation Drill next Thursday afternoon. Students will participate in the drill where we will practice gathering in a designated location. Students are prepared for the Evacuation Drill through class discussions with their teacher and through a Social Story. The Social Story assists to explain the purpose of the drill and what they can expect during an emergency situation to keep them safe.
City of Casey - Safe Around Schools
This animation ( focuses on driver behaviour around the school precinct - 40km school zones signs, No Stopping, No Parking, the Drop off and Pick up Zone and what thye mean as well as road safety education, good role modelling from parents/carers for our students around the school. When all families follow the signs, the traffic flows better and it is safer for our students.
Important Dates for Term 2
Important dates, events and activities for Term 2 are attached below:
Anzac Remembrance Service
This was well attended with parents, young siblings and friends last Tuesday. The whole school and community gathered on the small oval to remember the men and women who have served our country in wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations. Thank You for supporting the Berwick RSL ANZAC Appeal. Many thanks to staff, parents, grandparents and friends who contributed to the lovely ANZAC display in the Welcome Garden at the front of the school.
Easter Season
This morning classes joined together to celebrate the wonderful feast of Easter. We ended Term 1 thinking about Jesus’ suffering and death but now we can rejoice because He is risen from the dead. School Faith Leaders Alanna and Natalie led a liturgy via Google meet to each classroom, sharing Jesus’ message of new life and giving courage to step out with hope and joy.
Celebrating Mother’s Day
Your photos are needed! Families are invited to send a photo of mums/carers/grandmothers/ and all who are like mothers via email strictly by Wednesday 4th May to Mrs Privitera. Images will be included in a PowerPoint presentation during Friday morning’s Mother’s Day Assembly 6/6/22. Send your photo to:
CatholicCare Victoria
CatholicCare Victoria are the social service agency of the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne and the Catholic Dioceses of Ballarat, Sale and Sandhurst. The support services are available to all individuals or groups regardless of race, religious beliefs or economic status. CatholicCare Victoria offers a broad range of child, family and youth services, family relationship services, school counselling and pastoral care services, social housing, homelessness services (crisis, transitional and outreach), employment and advocacy services across dozens of office locations, delivery sites and outreach locations throughout Victoria.
Each year Schools in the Diocese of Sale support the ongoing service offered through CatholicCare Victoria by raising funds. A donation box is available in the hall – please consider supporting this important outreach service in our Diocese by dropping a gold coin in the donation box. Thankyou!
Sacrament of First Eucharist (also known as First Holy Communion)
Before enrolling for the Sacrament of First Eucharist, children should be baptised in the Catholic Church and should have received the Sacrament of Reconciliation last year or prior.A copy of your child’s Baptism and Reconciliation certificate needs to be attached to the enrolment forms if baptised/received Reconciliation outside of Our Lady Help of Christians Parish.
Date: Wednesday, 4th May 2022 or Thursday 12th May 2022
(This is subject to change as per government regulations)
Time: 6.45pm arrival for a 7pm start
Venue: Our Lady Help of Christians Parish
Levy: A levy of $50 is payable via the CDF online
Term 2 Whole School and Class Mass and Reconciliation Schedule
It is with great joy we inform families that face-to-face liturgies are permitted with COVID Safe measures implemented. Masses and liturgies are permitted to take place on site according to strict COVID safe plans. Please find attached celebrations scheduled for Term 2:
Third Sunday of Easter, Cycle C
Sunday, May 1, 2022
Next Sunday’s Gospel reading tells about another meal that Jesus shared with his friends. This meal was shared after Jesus' Resurrection. The meal that Jesus shared with his disciples reminds us of the meal we share at the Eucharist. As in the Eucharist, we bring the gifts that God has given us, which have been prepared especially for the Mass, and at our family meals we share gifts that God has given to us and that we have worked together to prepare. As Jesus fed his disciples, he feeds us too!
Child Safety and Wellbeing
At Mary MacKillop Primary School, we believe that ensuring the safety of the students in our care is an integral part of who we are as a Catholic faith community. We adhere to Victorian Child Safe Standards and Ministerial Order No. 870. We embed a culture of child safety and the matter is taken very seriously.
“Children are the future of the human family: all of us are expected to promote their growth, health and tranquillity,” Pope Francis 2021
Resources to support parents and carers - free webinars for parents and carers.
Taming the tech – how parental controls can help keep kids safer online. Recent eSafety research found 56% of parents and carers of children aged 8-10 use parental controls to keep their kids safer online. Find out how to set up devices and apps to help keep young people safe online. This webinar will include practical tips, demonstrations and advice - designed for parents and carers of kids aged 4 to 13 years old. To register for the live webinar Parental controls go to eSafety Commissioner website for Parents
Parent Education
UPCOMING WEBINAR FOR PARENTS. TOPIC – Anxiety. Parents can attend this webinar at no charge.
Presenter: Dr Justin Coulson: Helping your child with anxiety
Wednesday 4 May 2022 8:00pm - 9:00pm AEST
View the attached webinar flyer to register attendance:
OLHC Parish
Our Lady Help of Christians Parish Information
Mary MacKillop Primary School is one of the three Parish Primary Schools belonging to the Parish of Our Lady Help of Christians, Narre Warren within the Diocese of Sale. Fr Brendan Hogan is our Parish Priest and Fr Ajin Albarnas is our Assistant Priest. We are grateful for their ongoing prayers, involvement and support of the students, families and staff of Mary MacKillop School.
PARISH BULLETIN - Click on the link below to download the weekly newsletter and Parish Sacramental Booklet
Our annual Year 3-6 Cross Country was held at school on Wednesday and we were extremely proud of the efforts of all the children in this physically challenging event. The results were as follows:
1st - Fitzroy, 2nd - Eden, 3rd Portland and 4th - Penola
This is the first time in the history of our school that Fitzroy have taken home the trophy, so that was very exciting!
Individual Results as follows:
12 yrs boys - Gold - Douie, Silver - Sharbel, Bronze - Cruz B
12 yrs girls - Gold - Scarlett, Silver - Sienna M, Bronze - Ayda/Phoebe
11 yrs boys - Gold - Jayden Ca, Silver - Leonardo, Bronze - Karim
11 yrs Girls - Gold - Annabelle, Silver - Lily C, Bronze- Bridie
10 yrs Boys - Gold - Tyler , Silver - Archer, Bronze - Adrian Pe
10 yrs Girls - Gold - Telina , Silver - Angelina M, Bronze - Katelyn M
Year 3 Boys - Gold - Noah C, Silver - Kade , Bronze - Abyei
Year 3 Girls - Gold - Katya, Silver- Cassiana, Bronze - Jasmine
The above children have qualified for the School Cross Country team along with the children listed below:
Aiden A, Keipha, Bill, Apaar, Steven. Hayden, Billie, Briley, Isla, Angelina, Ava, Dior, Alyra, Clara, Andrew, Kairos, Cruz C, Zac, James, Jayden M, Ethan H, Rueben, Aiesha, Jazz, Taysha, Valentina, Sienna B
The children will all participate in the Berwick District Cross Country Carnival on May 24 at Sweeney Reserve. Details for this event have been uploaded to each child's PAM profile. Please ensure that the permission is completed and monies paid via CDFpay by 3pm Friday 20th May.
Training for the students in the Cross Country team will be on Monday and Tuesday mornings on the small oval between 8:20 - 8:40 am . I encourage all students to attend these sessions and do some training outside of school hours to increase their fitness for the District event. If it is not their sport day , children may wear their runners to training and then change into their school shoes when they are finished.

Hello parents and Mary MacKillop community, my name is Summer and in Term one I held a fundraiser for those people in Queensland and New South Wales who have been the victims of the floods that have been happening over the past few months.
This has been my first fundraiser at Mary MacKillop and it has been really fun to organise and produce! I dedicate all of my guidance and support to Mrs Privitera, who has been helping me set up at school, and my mum who gave me ideas and guidance when I first started this whole event.I also want to thank the teachers for giving me the time to explain my fundraiser to the students and providing support. I can also not forget the students and parents for all the gold coins and other donations.
In total, we have raised $222 and that was donated to GIVIT for the flood victims in Qld and NSW. We also donated a $50 hardware voucher, through GIVIT, for a Qld Dad that had lost his tool for his employment in the recent flood waters. He is currently taking solo care of his two sons while his wife / their mother is in hospital for Multiple Sclerosis (MS).
But because of the situation in Qld / NSW and the rise of petrol prices, GIVIT were no longer taking items as donations. So we donated all the perishables (food) baby wipes and nappies to Back 2 Basics in Narre Warren. Back 2 Basics help the homeless and people living in poverty. The blankets were donated to Lost Dogs in Cranbourne. These blankets will keep the dogs in the shelters warm and cozy during the winter.
We thank you so much for your support and for donating to the cause!
Summer Magee
School Leader