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Child Safety
Child Safety is important to our school community. Ensuring all our students feel safe and know what to do and where to go to seek help if they feel unsafe were important messages in this week’s Child Safety activities. Thank you to all students and staff for participating in our Day for Daniel by wearing red and donating a gold coin to a very worthy cause. A very big THANK YOU to Lize Privitera for her tireless efforts to ensure Child Safety messages and actions are communicated often within our school community. Our Year 6 student leaders shared their Student friendly version of our Child Safety policy in all classrooms and highlighted key messages to students on how to stay safe. Photos of our Day for Daniel are included below.
Remembrance Day
Today our school community stopped to honour the sacrifice of others in our Remembrance Day Service. Our Year 6 student leaders led us in a meaningful and respectful prayer service before honouring the sacrifice of others in a minute silence. Thank you to Lize Privitera, our Senior Students for their organisation and planning of a beautiful and reflective service.
Thank you to families who have left messages on a poppy in our display in the Welcome Garden. Each poppy is unique and creates a space that provides an opportunity to reflect on and remember those we hold dear in our hearts in this month of remembrance. The poppies help to provide a focus on what really matters - our family, the gift of our loved ones and those people in our lives that help to make our world a better place.
Lest we forget . . .
Welcome to our 2022 Foundation Students
Last night we held our 2022 Foundation Information night for parents via Google Meet. Our Foundation Teachers Sally Lane and Claire Giles went through a typical day in the life of a Foundation student. This was also an opportunity to warmly welcome our new families to Mary MacKillop and to step through the Transition activities, dates and times on offer throughout Term 4. We are very much looking forward to meeting all students and their families in person at our first on-site Orientation Session this Friday from 9.00 am to 10.30 am.
Thank you for supporting the Socktober event, raising funds of $364.70 A great effort particularly during these times. Reaching the fundraising target makes a real difference in the lives of vulnerable children at the Good Shepherd Kindergarten in Bangkok, Thailand. Once again ‘thank you!’
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B
Sunday, November 14, 2021
As we approach the end of the Church year, next Sunday’s Gospel invites us to consider Jesus’ predictions and teaching about the end of the world. In the context of Mark’s Gospel, Jesus’ words about this are spoken to his disciples as he prepares them for his passion and death. Jesus teaches us that things in our world will change and we don’t need to be fearful because God’s love for us will never end.
We hold in our prayers the students receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation during mass celebrations held last night, tonight and over the weekend.
Lord, send out Your Spirit to touch the hearts of all people, so that they may believe in You and in Jesus whom You sent. Look kindly on all candidates for Confirmation as they listen to Your voice. ... We pray that You will continue to guide us and sustain us. Amen
Remembrance Day 11 November
Today we stopped to remember members of the armed forces who have died in the line of duty, as well as all those who have been involved with and affected by war and conflict. The students from Year 6 proudly led a brief Order of Service in each classroom and leading up to Remembrance Day, student leaders assisted with the selling of merchandise, raising money to support serving and ex-Service personnel and their families. All stock was sold out! Thankyou to all students and staff for your involvement and deepening understanding of what Remembrance Day is all about.
“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.”
Child Safety and Wellbeing
At Mary MacKillop Primary School, we believe that ensuring the safety of the students in our care is an integral part of who we are as a Catholic faith community. We adhere to Victorian Child Safe Standards and Ministerial Order No. 870. We embed a culture of child safety and the matter is taken very seriously.
“Children are the future of the human family: all of us are expected to promote their growth, health and tranquillity,” Pope Francis 2021

Day For Daniel
A total amount raised $ 286.00
The Daniel Morcombe Foundation key role in the community is the education of all children about their personal safety. With the funds raised, the DMF is able to develop and provide free child safety resources for parents and educators, as well as provide support and assistance to young victims of crime. The Foundation works to empower all Australians to make local communities safer places for all children. ry. Your support makes a difference. Thank you!
Resources to support parents and carers - Respond honestly to dishonesty
Honesty is the best policy we know, but it’s not always easy for children and young people to own up when they break the rules.
Our Lady Help of Christians Parish Information
Mary MacKillop Primary School is one of the three Parish Primary Schools belonging to the Parish of Our Lady Help of Christians, Narre Warren within the Diocese of Sale. Fr Brendan Hogan is our Parish Priest and Fr Isuru Weliwatte is our Assistant Priest. We are grateful for their ongoing prayers, involvement and support of the students, families and staff of Mary MacKillop School.
We extend a sad farewell to Fr Isuru as he takes on a new journey in the new year. Please read Fr Brendan’s message in the OLHC bulletin. As a School our final End of Year Mass will be celebrated with Fr Isuru on Thursday 9th December .
Click on the link below to download the weekly Parish newsletter.
2022 Fee information
Hard copies of 2022 fee information went home to all families on Tuesday via the eldest child in the family. Please check your child’s school bag.
The information contains the fee schedule for 2022, Direct Debit Form, CSEF and Centrelink Health Care Card Concession Applications.
Please ensure you complete the require documents and return them to the office by the due dates.
2021 Cancelled Levies
Credits for the cancelled camp and swimming activities will be applied to all a counts in the coming weeks.
Families who will not be returning to MMPS in 2022 will receive a refund if fees have been overpaid. Families that hold a credit on theirs account and will be returning in 2022, this credit will be applied to your 2022 fee accounts.
School Fee Relief
Many in our school community continue to face financial impacts as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are committed to supporting families experiencing financial challenges through our School Fee Concession programs, and encourage any parent/carer/guardian experiencing difficulties to contact us regarding fee assistance.
If you have a fee query or need support with your outstanding fee account please contact Jacqui Meunier,
Foundation Melbourne Zoo Excursion - Wednesday 17th November 2021
To make connections with learning, the Foundation students are now permitted to attend an excursion to The Melbourne Zoo on Wednesday 17th November. All students need to arrive at school by 8.30am and will depart at 8.45am SHARP. Unfortunately we will not be able to wait for latecomers. We aim to return to school by 3.00pm. We encourage all parents to please ensure that you have the SZapp app downloaded on your preferred device, as the school will send through push notifications if the arrival time changes.
Students are required to wear their school sport uniform with comfortable walking shoes/runners.
Please respond to permission eform and read further information emailed via Operoo.
Parent Helpers will be notified by Monday 15th November. We are very excited to be participating in this extra curricular event next week.
This term the Middle Level students have been working on their final Music presentations. They have been exploring the world of music and different musical instruments. They have made musical instruments at home that make shaking, banging, scratching sounds and joined in the “class orchestra” to play their instruments along with the songs we listened too.
Body percussion was explored and students created their own short sequence of movements and sounds using their hands, knees and feet using clapping, stamping and stomping to the beat of the music.
DISCOVERY CENTRE F-2 Claire Marshall
Last week in Discovery Center, the Grade 2’s did a STEM activity and made balancing robots. This week the Grade 1’s created robots using different shapes.