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Student Dress Up Day - Celebrations of Learning Term 2 - Wednesday 23 June
As part of their celebration of learning in Term 2, students are invited to dress up as an inventor, engineer or scientist on Wednesday 23 June. On this day students will celebrate their learning Science and Design & Technologies and they will participate in class activities and Science experiments. We look forward to seeing our students exploring and engaging in the areas of the Victorian Curriculum investigating Science as a Human Endeavour and Technologies & Societies.
FOMM Beanie Day - Thursday 24 June (LAST DAY OF TERM)
On the students last day of Term 2, FOMM will hold our annual BEANIE Day. For a gold coin donation, students are invited to wear their favourite BEANIE to school - perfect timing with the onset of Winter and the frosty mornings we have been having lately. We look forward to celebrating this annual FOMM Fundraising event.
Easing of Restrictions (Metropolitan Melbourne)
We are most appreciative to all parents in assisting us to maintain the current restrictions of 1 person for every 4 square metres and to minimise visitors on-site. Keeping our students, staff and families safe is our main priority and we look forward to having parents back on-site and in classrooms when restrictions have eased. With the easing of restrictions this evening, parents will be able to come into the school grounds, but not into classrooms or assembly as we must continue to maintain 1 person for every 4 square metres. Thank you for your understanding. We look forward to returning to our new COVID normal very soon.
Semester One, 2021 Reports and Student Learning Portfolios
At Mary MacKillop Primary School, we believe assessment and reporting:
- Promotes a positive attitude to, and celebrates, student learning
- Provides on-going feedback to target student learning needs
- Fosters a growth mindset, student agency, ownership and sense of achievement
- Encourages the pursuit of the student’s potential in a wide range of areas
- Enables students to experience success and to develop confidence in their learning
- Is aligned with the student’s age and stage of development.
Throughout this year, our school is transitioning to the SIMON Learning Management System. Therefore, your child’s report will look different to previous years. The SIMON Report will contain requirements of CECV (Catholic Education Commission Victoria) and VCAA (Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority) Reporting Guidelines. Student Attendance data in the SIMON Report is automatically populated from our Teachers’ daily recordings in the SIMON Attendance module. Your child’s Semester One report will include the following and will be accompanied by teacher feedback and samples of your child’s learning in their Student Learning Portfolio:
- Report front cover
- Report information
- Attendance summary
- SIMON Reporting legend
- Class Teacher General Comment
- Class Learning Behaviours (5 point scale)
- Religious Education Learning Area overview and achievement standards (5 point scale)
- English / English an an Additional Language [EAL] Learning Area overviews and achievement standards (5 point scale)
- Mathematics Learning Area overview and achievement standards (5 point scale)
- Inquiry Learning Area overviews and achievement standards (5 point scale)
- Health and Physical Education – Personal, Social and Community Health
- Science
- Technologies – Design and Technology
- Specialist Learning Area overviews and achievement standards (5 point scale)
- Technologies – Digital Technologies
- LOTE – Japanese
- Health and Physical Education – Physical Education
- The Arts – Visual Arts
- Capabilities
During Semester One, the main focus in Mathematics teaching and learning has been in the area of Number and Algebra for our Middle and Senior students. Middle and Senior Teachers used a targeted approach to assist students to consolidate areas of Number and Algebra to build their number sense, application of mathematical concepts, processes and problem solving. Therefore, Middle and Senior students’ Semester One report will include the area of Number and Algebra. In Semester Two, Measurement and Geometry, Statistics and Probability strands of Mathematics will also be included in your child’s report.
Your child’s Semester One Report is to be viewed in conjunction with your child’s Student Learning Portfolio. The Student Learning Portfolio includes evidence of learning with Teacher feedback as well as samples of learning your child has selected to support and promote student agency and ownership of their learning.
Due to current COVID-19 restrictions in place, the Student Learning Conversations (Parent Teacher Interviews) will be held in Term 3 on the following dates:
- Monday 19 July from 3.40 pm
- Wednesday 21 July from 3.40 pm
Parents will receive a letter via email to the primary email address on 21 June, 2021 with PTO login details to complete their online booking. If you do not receive this email, please contact the office.
At this stage we are planning for the Student Learning Conversations to be held in the Allen Hall – face to face. It is important your child is present at the Student Learning Conversation so they can go through their data, learning progress and achievements so far this year.
Semester One Reports and Student Learning Portfolios will be distributed to students and parents on Thursday 24 June. We hope you find the Semester One Report and Student Learning Portfolio valuable documents to highlight and celebrate your child’s learning journey.
Important dates for the remainder of Term 2
Recent Learning Awards:
NCCD – Nationally Consistent Collection of Data
Each year, schools complete the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability. Students who received additional adjustments because of a disability (as defined by the Disability Discrimination Act 1992) are counted in the data. Students with learning problems such as specific learning disability, reading disability, health problems, physical disability, vision/hearing loss and social-emotional problems are some examples of students with disability. Teachers use knowledge of the learning progressions, student progress and data, letters and/or diagnostic statements/reports from health professionals, evidence of learning adjustments/support in the classroom and/or on the playground to support whether a student is counted in NCCD. NCCD data is collected in August each year. Please find attached the NCCD Information Sheet for parents for further information.
Road Works
From late May 2021, crews will begin installing flexible safety barriers on Narre Warren-Cranbourne Road and Narre Warren North Road, between Thompsons Road in Cranbourne and Fox Road in Narre Warren North, with works taking place Monday to Friday between 7am and 5pm, and on Saturdays from 9am to 3pm. Works on this project are expected to be completed in 2021, weather permitting. You can find out more on the project at
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Congratulations to the following students who have received the Sacrament of First Reconciliation:
Alyra (3AS), Dominic (5AB), Hanisi (3AM), Milania (3AM), Abigail (4CM), Mila (3AS) Shenaiah (5SD), Andrew (3AM), Mason (3AS), Joshua (4CM), David (4HF), Aaliyah (3AM), Tiffany (3AS), Chelsea (4CM), Imogen (3AS), Katelyn (4CM), Zachary (4CM) Jacinta (4CM), Katelyn (4HF), Leonardo (3AM), Angelina (4HF), Adrian (3AS), Ciara (4HF), Valentino (4CM), Kiera (4CM) and Alannah (3AM)
Stations of the Cross Sacred Space
Many thanks to the families and staff who have contributed to the Stations of the Cross garden. A number of potted plants has been kindly donation. THANKYOU to those families who have made donation/s. This opportunity will remain open to families and friends for the remainder of the term. Items can be left at the School Office. Students may like to take their families to visit the Sacred Space located behind the Middle Level building once restrictions on visitors on site is lifted. Once again thank you for your generosity.
Fan the Flame - Towards Plenary Assembly One October 2021
‘Why are you so frightened? How is it that you have no faith?’ Mark 4:35-41
As people of faith, we believe that, through the gift of his Church, the Lord has equipped us, and continues to equip us, to recognise the needs of our time and set ourselves to doing something about them. (Instrumentum Laboris #193)
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B - Sunday, June 20, 2021
Mark 4:35-41
Jesus calms the storm.
As we continue in Ordinary Time, our reading next Sunday is taken from the Gospel of Mark, the primary Gospel reading in Lectionary Cycle B. Mark's Gospel presents a vivid portrait of Jesus, whose words and deeds show that he is the Son of God. Sunday’s Gospel describes the end of a day of teaching in Jesus' ministry. Jesus taught the crowd in parables and then offered explanations of these parables to his disciples. Jesus then led his disciples away from the crowds and into the boats that they will use to cross the Sea of Galilee. The sea and its surrounding area are the settings for Jesus' teachings and miracles in this part of Mark's Gospel. Sunday’s reading describes how Jesus calmed a storm at sea. It is the first of four miracles that are presented in sequence at this point in Mark's Gospel.
Like the disciples, we can share our worries and concerns with Jesus. Jesus can do amazing things for us as well if we bring him our worries and concerns in prayer.
Parenting Insights
Establishing digital boundaries for a good night’s sleep
Kids’ and teens’ digital habits have a significant impact on their sleep leading to a range of mental health and learning problems. View the article below:
Attend a webinar for parents at no charge
Our school has a membership with Parenting Ideas, one of Australia’s most trusted sources of parenting education and support. As part of this membership, all the parents in this school community can attend some fantastic webinars in 2021 at no cost. We’re pleased to let you know about an upcoming webinar.
Dr Justin Coulson presents:
Connecting with teenage daughters
Wednesday 23 June 2021
8:00pm - 9:00pm AEST
Bestselling author and professional speaker
Please read the attached flyer for parents for more information:
Our Lady Help of Christians Parish Information
Mary MacKillop Primary School is one of the three Parish Primary Schools belonging to the Parish of Our Lady Help of Christians, Narre Warren within the Diocese of Sale. Fr Brendan Hogan is our Parish Priest and Fr Isuru Weliwatte is our Assistant Priest. We are grateful for their ongoing prayers, involvement and support of the students, families and staff of Mary MacKillop School.
PARISH BULLETIN - Click on the link below to download the weekly newsletter:
This week in Japanese, senior students completed their instant noodle designs. Middle students created kanji inspired art and Foundation students practised their Japanese numbers. Japanese club made origami raindrops to celebrate the rainy season in Japan. It has been a wonderful week of learning in Japanese.

Family Fiesta (30 June - 3 July) - A Celebration of Families and Children at Monash University
Mid-year school holidays just got better, because Monash University Performing Arts Centres is back with Family Fiesta!
An annual festival of literature, music and theatre from June 30 to July 3 for all kids aged 0-12 years and their families.
Get involved in workshops, activities and concerts featuring some of Australia’s leading children’s authors, theatre companies, musicians and so much more. Plus free events, free babyccinos, a kids menu, plenty of parking and so much more.Check out the full program and book now: