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Celebrations of Learning
As part of their learning in Inquiry – Design and Technologies, the Year 1 students travelled to Collingwood Childrens’ farm yesterday. Our students participated in a ‘paddock to plate’ learning experience and were able to apply the learning concepts and principles of their Design and Technologies Inquiry learning. Congratulations Year 1s on a fantastic and exciting excursion.
New Vpass Sign-in Coming Soon
Information on how visitors can sign in from their smart phone is attached below:
“Faith in the future – I have come that they may have life and have it to the full."
Message from the Director – Maria Kirkwood
(Diocese of Sale Website
This year’s theme for Catholic Education Week, “Faith in the future - I have come that they may have life and have it to the full,” is a combination of a quote from John’s Gospel and the theme for the bicentennial celebrations of Catholic education in Australia.
Catholic Education Week is an opportunity for all members of a school community to consider the call of the Gospel to build the Kingdom of God here and now.
More information on Catholic Education week, including our whole school Mass on Thursday 27 May, is in the Religious Education section of the newsletter.
Parish Mass – Saturday 22 May at 6.00 pm
Please join us this Saturday 22 May at 6.00 pm to celebrate Mass with our Parish schools. We look forward to seeing everyone there to celebrate this special Parish occasion.
NAPLAN Online (Testing period Tuesday 11 May to Friday 21 May)
Congratulations to Year 3 and Year 5 students on successfully completing 2021 NAPLAN online testing over the past two weeks. The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) assesses students’ literacy and numeracy skills. The assessment provides parents and schools with an understanding of how individual students are preforming at the time of the tests. NAPLAN is one aspect of a school’s assessment and reporting process – it does not replace ongoing assessments made by teachers about student performance. Information regarding NAPLAN online was distributed to parents of Year 3 and Year 5 students last week.
Road Works
From late May 2021, crews will begin installing flexible safety barriers on Narre Warren-Cranbourne Road and Narre Warren North Road, between Thompsons Road in Cranbourne and Fox Road in Narre Warren North, with works taking place Monday to Friday between 7am and 5pm, and on Saturdays from 9am to 3pm. Works on this project are expected to be completed in 2021, weather permitting. You can find out more on the project at
All parents and families are welcome to join our Whole School Mass next Thursday 27th May 2021 9.00am in Allen Hall celebrating Catholic Education Week. The three Parish Schools will join together during Mass on Saturday 22nd May 2021, 6pm at OLHC Church to celebrate the Bicentenary of Catholic Education in Australia. We would like to see many Mary MacKillop school families attend and together with Don Bosco and Trinity Schools help to bring to life the theme of this year’s special event Faith in the Future. A number of students will be taking part in a combined choir, as well as participating in the Entrance and Offertory procession.
During Catholic Education Week families are encouraged to visit the newly Blessed and installed Stations of the Cross Garden. As you can appreciate more work is needed to beautify the area with suitable plants and outdoor décor. In celebrating our Catholic Identity during Catholic Education Week parents are invited to make a donation towards the garden area of the sacred space. Families may wish to donate shrubs, plants, pots, pottery, outdoor garden décor, etc. All donations will be acknowledged. A flyer is attached with details of the event.
National Sorry Day
A day to reflect and remember the Stolen Generations. National Sorry Day is a special day that occurs in Australia on 26 May every year. It is a day of remembrance and commemoration held to highlight the impact of past policies of forcible removal on the Stolen Generations, their families, and their communities. National Sorry Day is of particular significance to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in Australia. The day is an opportunity for all Australians to remember past mistakes and build stronger bridges for a richer, stronger future together.
Pentecost Sunday, Cycle B - Sunday, May 23, 2021
John 20:19-23
Jesus appears to his disciples and gives them the gift of the Holy Spirit.
When Jesus appeared to his disciples after his Resurrection, his first words to them were a greeting of peace. This was welcome news to the disciples. The feast of Pentecost celebrates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon Jesus’ first disciples. This same Holy Spirit is still with us. After breathing upon them and giving them the gift of the Holy Spirit, what does Jesus tell his disciples to do? Just as Jesus sent his disciples to forgive the sins of others, so too are we sent to bring peace to the world. And we also have been given the gift of the Holy Spirit to help us with this task.
Please find attached Bishop Greg’s 2021 Pentecost Letter below:
Parenting Insights
It can be tempting to allow children to continue to behave badly or to perform chores, homework or sports practice poorly when they argue or resist feedback. Feedback is a wonderful parenting tool that requires attention to detail, sensitivity and a willingness to respect the dignity of the child or young person who is receiving it. It’s also most effective when given sparingly, rather than like a nervous tic, which keeps kids anchored to parents for approval. This article reveals the secrets to giving kids feedback that sticks.
On time, every day
Parents can maximise their child’s chance of future success just by making sure they come to school on time, every day and save absences for genuine illness and poor health. View articles attached below:
Webinars for parents and carers
Join one of the free webinars for parents and carers. These live webinars explore the latest research and they are a great way to learn how you can help your child develop the skills to be safer online. All sessions are delivered by eSafety's expert education and training team.
eSafety's guide to parental controls
This Term 2 webinar will look at how parents and carers can set up devices and apps to help kids and young people stay safe online. It is designed for parents and carers of children aged 4 - 13.
It will cover:
- the benefits and limitations of parental controls
- how to set up iOS and Android devices for safety
- how to set up popular games and apps like YouTube and Roblox for safety
- using family tech agreements and other parenting strategies to manage online risks
- how eSafety can help when things go wrong.
This webinar will include practical tips, demonstrations and advice.
Dates (Australian Eastern Standard Time)
- Tuesday 4 May 12.30 to 1.30 pm
- Wednesday 5 May 12.30 to 1.30 pm
- Thursday 6 May 7.30 to 8.30 pm
- Tuesday 8 June 12.30 to 1.30 pm
- Wednesday 16 June 7.30 to 8.30 pm
- Tuesday 26 October 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm
- Tuesday 9 November 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm
- Tuesday 18 November 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Mary MacKillop Primary School is one of the three Parish Primary Schools belonging to the Parish of Our Lady Help of Christians, Narre Warren within the Diocese of Sale. Fr Brendan Hogan is our Parish Priest and Fr Isuru Weliwatte is our Assistant Priest. We are grateful for their ongoing prayers, involvement and support of the students, families and staff of Mary MacKillop School.
Click on the link below to download the weekly newsletter.
This week in Japanese club, Foundation students learnt about the Children’s Day Festival in Japan. We celebrated this festival by making Koinobori (carp) puppets. Japanese people fly carp flags during this festival so that children become healthy and strong.