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Our Explicit Improvement Agenda
Student Voice and Agency
Planning for improved student learning - key focus in Mathematics
As we approach the end of a very busy term there is much to be thankful for and as I observe and interact with students I see happy, resilient students who are engaged in their learning. Last week I had the pleasure of visiting the Junior classes. I sat with Sally Lane (Team Based Culture Leader) as she asked students in the Junior school the following questions:
- What are you working on?
- How are you doing?
- How do you know?
- How can you improve?
- Where can you go for help?
I was genuinely so impressed with the student’s responses. Their ability to talk about their work, to know what their learning goal is in relation to the work and to be able to say what resources they can use to improve their work was amazing. Teachers have worked really hard to ensure students understand what they are learning and why (in order to make learning meaningful and relevant to students). This was a great example of student voice and agency in action.
School Review
Staff continue to analyse data and reflect on areas of school life in Professional Learning Team Meetings in preparation for our School Review next term. This week we reviewed our Whole School Approach to Positive Behaviour Support (WSAPBS) data noting our strengths (there are many), our growth (from 2022 to 2025) and opportunities for improvement.
Morning Drop Off
A very big thank you to all drivers for slowing down in our car park and moving forward in the drop off lane in order to maximise the number of cars using this lane. This allows our students to disembark from cars safely.
Last weekend, at Mass, I was reminded that we are halfway through the Lenten season. It is a good time to reflect on our Lenten journey. Lent is time where we can choose to think about our relationship with God and think about the kind of people God calls us to be - do we take time out of our day for prayer, do we take time to give to others and do we go without or break bad habits. You might like to sit in our Prayer space one morning or afternoon during Lent and take some time to thank God for something good that has happened that day or ask for God’s strength to help you overcome something. We have a beautiful space near the Welcome Gate you are welcome to use.
School Calendar
Harmony Week
Sincere gratitude to parents and families for their support and attendance at last week’s Footsteps Concert. It was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate diversity and inclusion, bringing everyone together in a meaningful way. A special acknowledgment goes to families for their efforts in dressing students in traditional cultural attire and wearing the colour orange, symbolizing harmony and inclusivity. The event was further enriched by the students’ engaging dance performances, which showcased their enthusiasm and appreciation for different cultures. Harmony Week serves as a reminder that everyone belongs, and the involvement of families helped create an atmosphere of unity and respect. The school appreciates the ongoing support of its families in fostering a community that values cultural diversity and inclusion.
See the attached photos for highlights from this wonderful celebration.
Stations of the Cross Liturgy – check your child’s school bag for your invitation
You are invited to join us for a special Stations of the Cross Liturgy on Thursday, 3rd April, at 2:00 PM in Allen Hall. Our students will prayerfully reflect on the journey of Jesus through a freeze-frame presentation of each station. This dramatic technique involves students creating still silent images to represent key moments of the Passion. Each freeze frame captures the emotion and significance of the station, allowing for deep reflection and engagement. We look forward to sharing this meaningful experience with you.
Fourth Sunday of Lent, Cycle C
Sunday, March 30, 2025
Luke 15:1-3,11-32
Jesus teaches about forgiveness in the parable of the Prodigal Son.
The parable Jesus tells in next Sunday’s Gospel is unique to the Gospel of Luke. Jesus has been teaching the crowds as he journeys to Jerusalem. As he teaches, the Pharisees and scribes complain and challenge Jesus because he is welcoming sinners at his table. We hear the third of three parables that Jesus tells in response to his critics. These three familiar parables—the lost sheep, the lost coin, and today's parable of the prodigal son—invite us to consider the depth of God's mercy and love. God is our loving Father in heaven. He will always forgive us and rejoice when we return to him and ask for his forgiveness. What might we pray to God to ask for his forgiveness?
ANZAC APPEAL raises funds to support former and serving members of the Australian Defence Forces and dependents when in need. Most of the funds are raised through the sale of ANZAC stock. Leading up to ANZAC Day, ANZAC badges are now available for purchase at Student Reception. Year 6 students will be managing a stall, offering a range of ANZAC items priced between $1 and $5. Involvement of students in the distribution and sale of ANZAC badges significantly increase awareness of ANZAC Day within the school community.
Our whole School ANZAC Service is planned for Thursday 24th April - more details next week’s newsletter
Date: Wednesday, 23rd April 2025 or Thursday 1st May 2025
Time: 6:45pm for a 7pm start
Venue: Our Lady Help of Christians Parish
Levy: $50.00 Making a payment through CDFPay confirms your child's enrolment in the Sacrament Program and registers the parent for Parent Formation Night. CDFPay Online opens at 10am on Monday 24th March 2025 and closes at 10am on Friday 2nd May 2025. It is important to note that there are the two opportunities for families to enrol their child/children to receive the Sacrament of First Eucharist this year.
Children should have been baptised in the Catholic Church and received the Sacrament of Reconciliation last year or prior, before enrolling for the Sacrament of First Eucharist. A copy of your child’s Baptism and Reconciliation certificate needs to be attached to the enrolment forms if baptised/received Reconciliation outside of Our Lady Help of Christians Parish. Kindly take note of the opening and closing dates for the online payment system.
Any further inquiries need to be directed to the Parish.
It is wonderful for the students to be learning Japanese again this year! The Foundation and Year 1 students have been particularly excited about their first experiences with Japanese.
Below are some things that they wanted families to know about our learning in Japanese so far this year:
- Sayonara means goodbye - Lana F-KC
- Konnichiwa means hello - Olivia F-KC
- Tatte means stand up - Thomas F-KC
- Swatte means sit down - Violet F-KC
- We do drawings in Japanese - Maggie F-GN
- We are learning our numbers in Japanese - Sarah F-GN
- We are learning a new language - Kyan F-GN
- I learnt how to say hello in Japanese - Charlotte 1-BC
- We learn how to say words like ‘ohayo gozaimasu’ (good morning) - Zac M 1-BC
- I learnt the sentence ‘Watashi no namae wa Chris desu’ (My name is Chris) - Chris 1-BC
- We are learning the numbers - Clara 1-JB
- We are learning our name in Japanese - Ariana 1-JB
Emmanuel | F-GN | Learning Award - Be Compassionate |
Zac | F-GN | Learning Awards - Be Problem Solvers |
Patrick | 2-JE | Learning Awards - Be Responsible |
Alessia | 2-EM | Learning Awards - Be Responsible |
Nate | 2-EM | Learning Awards - Be Responsible |
Dustin | 2-JE | Learning Awards - Be Problem Solvers |
Ezekiel | 3-CM | Learning Awards - Be Responsible |
Samuel | 3-CN | Learning Awards - Be Courageous |
Aleksandra | 3-CN | Learning Awards - Be Responsible |
Leo | 3-CM | Learning Awards - Be Responsible |
Violet | 4-AB | Learning Award - Be Compassionate |
Meaghan | 4-AB | Learning Awards - Be Responsible |
Jocelyne | 5-CM | Learning Award - Be Compassionate |
Cecile | 6-MV | Learning Awards - Be Responsible |
Dennish | 6-MV | Learning Awards - Be Responsible |
Child Safe Standards
Our school is safe, student centred and animated by our school values.
We aim to Inspire Hearts and Minds.
"Children are the future of the human family: all of us are expected to promote their growth, health and tranquillity." Pope Francis 2021
At Mary MacKillop Primary School, we believe that ensuring the safety of the students in our care is an integral part of who we are as a Catholic faith community. We adhere to Victorian Child Safe Standards and Ministerial Order No. 1359. We embed a culture of child safety and the matter is taken very seriously.
MMPS Child Safe Standards
Child Safe Policy
Child friendly version of Child Safe Policy (updated June 2022) Congratulations to our Year 6 Student Leaders on their creation of the student friendly version of the Child Safe Policy. This policy has been uploaded to our website. Child Safe page and can be found in the following link
Parental Use of Mobile Phones (Privacy Laws)
Catholic Education Commission of Victoria (CECV)
The updated CECV Statement of Commitment to Child Safety - A safe, nurturing and empowering culture for all children and young people in Catholic schools, is attached to this newsletter. This statement has been updated in light of the revised Child Safe Standards coming into effect from 1 July 2022 and the supporting Ministerial Order No. 1359
Child Safe Resources to support Students, Parents/Carers
CCYP - Commission for Children and Young People
We are a Happy Families School!
Our school is subscribed to the Happy Families School Membership! Owned and run by Dr Justin Coulson, one of Australia’s leading parenting experts, the membership offers a wealth of parenting education and resources. We will regularly share resources available through our membership with you, including Insight Articles and Webinars. You can also access your resources at any time using the below URL (unique to our school) and password.
Unique URL -
Password - happymmnwn
We recommend bookmarking this link. You should only need to put the password in once and the site will remember you.
Dr Justin Coulson is a dad to 6 daughters and grandfather to 1 granddaughter. He is the parenting expert and co-host of Channel Nine’s Parental Guidance, and he and his wife host Australia’s #1 podcast for parents and family: The Happy Families Podcast. He has written 9 books about families and parenting. For further details visit
Here is his next Insight article, The 7 habits of Happy Families
Dr. Justin Coulson outlines seven key habits that contribute to a happy family life, based on his experience working with thousands of families. Each habit is supported by a principle, practical strategies, and a thought-provoking reflection.
- Assume Positive Intent – Children aren’t deliberately misbehaving; they are learning. Parents should pause before reacting, understand the need behind the behavior, and respond with empathy.
- Laugh Together – Shared joy strengthens family bonds. Families should prioritise fun through jokes, games, and storytelling instead of getting lost in daily logistics.
- Fix Things Fast – Conflict happens, but prolonged disconnection can be avoided. Parents should take the lead in apologising, acknowledging issues, and reconnecting through physical gestures like hugs or high-fives.
- Stay Close – Children need connection at every stage. Simple daily rituals like bedtime chats, car rides, and after-school check-ins help maintain closeness without being overbearing.
- Listen Fully – Being heard builds trust. Parents should put away distractions, make eye contact, and engage in conversations without jumping to solutions.
- Create Meaningful Traditions – Family rituals provide stability. Simple but consistent traditions, such as weekly family nights or Sunday dinners, help children feel a strong sense of belonging.
- Have the Hard Conversations – Kids need guidance on difficult topics. Parents should create an open environment where no subject is off-limits, ensuring children receive accurate, age-appropriate information from a trusted source.
Dr. Coulson emphasises that these habits help strengthen family relationships and create a supportive, connected home environment.
School TV
Seasons for Growth: Learning to Live with Change and Loss
At Mary MacKillop School, we are committed to fostering mental health and wellbeing as part of our school culture. Aligned with the Mental Health in Primary Schools initiative, our approach integrates well being into teaching and learning while also providing referrals to support services when needed.
We implement The Resilience Project, an evidence-based program that equips students with practical wellbeing strategies to build resilience. Additionally, Seasons for Growth helps students understand and manage grief. Both programs have been externally assessed to ensure they effectively support student mental health and wellbeing, providing a range of evidence-based strategies to meet their needs.
Change and loss are experiences that affect everyone at some stage in life. We recognise that when families go through transitions such as death, separation, or divorce, children may benefit from learning how to navigate these changes. To support them, we are offering Seasons for Growth, a highly regarded education program designed for students in Years 1-6.
Commencing next term, this small-group program is based on research highlighting the importance of social support and the development of skills to cope with change and loss. It focuses on self-esteem, managing emotions, problem-solving, decision-making, effective communication, and building support networks.
Seasons for Growth is recognised as an evidence-based program in education wellbeing directories across Australia. MacKillop Seasons Services collaborates with schools to strengthen the emotional wellbeing and resilience of children and young people facing change, loss, and grief.
A letter with further details about the program will be shared via PAM. The program consists of eight sessions, delivered in small groups of 4-7 students, and is facilitated by our trained teachers, known as ‘Companions.’ If you believe your child would benefit from participating, we encourage you to discuss the opportunity with them.
Mary MacKillop School is proud to offer this valuable program, and we are confident it will be a meaningful experience for those involved. For further information, please contact Lize Privitera.