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Greetings from Japan - message from Sensei Stapledon
Konnichiwa from Japan. I was very lucky and flew to Sapporo airport on the Pokémon Plane! My town is just outside of Sapporo city. There are many farms, rice paddies and fields filled with sunflowers. It is summer holidays in Japan. Even in the school holidays, Japanese students go to school. They practice music, play sports, study and help clean the school. The local high school cooking club made a special school lunch to welcome me to the area. Teachers and students eat lunch together every day!
I am living in a traditional Japanese house. I sleep on a futon bed which I fold and pop into a closet every morning. This turns the room into my living area. I am looking forward to sharing my Japanese adventures with you.
Sayonara, mata ne! Sensei Stapledon

Welcome to new Staff
We warmly welcome Mr Daniel Egan and Mrs Fiona Oravec to our staff. Daniel will be in 3-RJ while Mrs Reinette Joachim-Zamudio begins her maternity leave at the start of Term 4. Mrs Fiona Oravec will be taking Japanese for the remainder of the school year while Sensei Stapledon is in Japan working for the Japanese Board of Education. We look forward to welcoming Daniel and Fiona to our school community.
Book Week Celebrations - Reminder
We will celebrate our Book Week Dress up day tomorrow and invite students to ‘dress up’ in their favourite book character. Students will parade their Book Week fashions at assembly at 9.00am in the Allen Hall. We look forward to sharing this exciting morning with parents and family members. Parents are also invited to dress up in their favourite Book Week character and to join in the parade in Assembly - looking forward to seeing you there!
Write a Book in a Day Competition
Today, the following Year 6 students participated in our annual Write a Book in a Day Competition - Aria, Rahul, James, Katelyn, Ethan, Annabelle, Abigail, Taylor, David and Daria. Students get to compete in a timed competition that requires them to complete a book with illustrations in one day (before 8.00 pm). Last year our students won the best illustrator award!! On our path of continuous improvement, we are very much looking forward to unleashing this Years 6 student’s creativity, innovative thinking, writing and artistic skills. We look forward to sharing this year’s story with the wider community over the coming weeks.
Sport Equipment - Stocks in Classrooms
All sports equipment has now been resorted and labelled and distributed to classrooms today by our school leaders. A big thank you to Mr Tim for organising the replenishment of sports equipment. We strongly encourage our students to look after the equipment and/or to see Mr Tim if they have a particular interest in a sport or activity.
Year 6 Camp
Year 6 students will attend camp Wednesday 30 August to Friday 1 September next week. A very big thank you to our Senior Teachers on their planning, preparation and organisation of these camps. To ensure student and staff safety, we ask students to undertake a RAT test on the morning of camp before leaving home to ensure they are clear to attend. Thank you for working in partnership with us to ensure enriching camp experiences for our Year 6 students.
Term 3 Student Learning Portfolios
Term 3 Student Learning Portfolios will be sent home on Wednesday 13 September. The Term 3 Student Learning Portfolios includes the Parent Feedback sheet. We respectfully ask parents to take the time to complete the Feedback sheet with their child after going through the portfolio samples of student learning. We are very proud of our students efforts to document their learning journey and hope families take up this opportunity to acknowledge their child’s efforts. Term 3 Student Learning Portfolios are due back at the beginning of Term 4.
Term 3 PSG Meetings
Due to staffing availability, the Term 3 PSG Meetings will be rescheduled to early Term 4. More information will be sent to families concerned. The Term 3 PLP/SAEP documentation will be reviewed and included in the Students’ Learning Portfolio for Parents to view and discussed in the Term 4 PSG meetings.
Father’s Day Stall - Tuesday 29 August - all gifts $5.00 and Father’s Day Breakfast - Wednesday 30 August
Our school community will celebrate our Father’s Day Breakfast on Wednesday 30 August. Thank you to all those families who completed their RSVP on CDFpay. Those families who responded will be sent a 'Breakfast Certificate' with the eldest child on Monday. Please present the certificate to staff at the Father's Day Breakfast.
The timetable for the morning of the breakfast is as follows on Wednesday 30 August:
- Father’s Day Breakfast - serving bacon and egg rolls from 8.00 am - 8.45 am (please note new starting time)
- Time in classrooms with your child - prayer, Father’s Day activity from 8.45 am - 9.15 am
- Father’s Day Special Assembly - in the Allen Hall from (including Father’s Day School Community Raffle) 9.15 am - 10.00 am approximately
We look forward to celebrating this very special time with our dads.
Year 6 students will leave for camp - The Ranch, Cape Schanck at approximately 10.30 am on the morning of Wednesday 30 August.
Footy Day - Thursday 14 September (last day of term)
Please see the attached flyer, with all the details, which has been sent home to all families via PAM today.
Planning for 2024 School Year
2024 Class Placements
Teachers will begin planning for our 2024 classes at the end of Term 3. We respect and value parent input and ask that you email me –, or put in writing and leave at the Administration Office, if you have information about your child that could impact on their placement for 2024. Please ensure your request is received by TOMORROW Friday 25 August, 2023.
Parents please be mindful of the following:
- Staff use their professional judgement and a range of information when placing students into classes. This information includes student learning progress, learning strengths, learning needs, NCCD Data, gender balance within classes and across the level to provide an optimal learning environment for ALL students.
- Parent requests are forwarded onto staff when placing students into their 2024 classes. Please note, the 2023 class teacher places students from their 2023 grade into the 2024 class groupings.
- Please be aware that your letters of request are not a guarantee of your child’s placement.
- Please note that requests made in previous years are not necessarily considered in the process. Historical information provided by parents regarding their child’s placement will need to be re-submitted if the concerns expressed in previous years are still relevant for consideration in 2024.
Requests received after the cut off date of Friday 25 August are very difficult to take into consideration. We ask parents to be mindful of our teachers’ preparation and time that goes into student/class placements which is not an easy task taking into account all the areas mentioned above.
Welcome Interviews - 2024 Foundation students
Over the coming week we continue to welcome our 2024 Foundation students in their welcome interviews. It is a highlight of our school year to be able to welcome our newest students to our school and to begin their process of transition to primary school. It is also a privileged opportunity to meet with new and existing families and to share their hopes and dreams for their child and the many exciting learning experiences on offer in our school community. Thank you to Marita Glass, Sally Lane, Gabby Di Biase and Laura Fonti for their organisation and planning of the welcome interviews and transition packs.
School Advisory Committee [SAC] Meeting - Annual General Meeting - Tuesday 17 October, 2023 at 7.00 pm
The Annual General Meeting of the SAC will be held on Tuesday 17 October - 7.00 pm in the Staffroom. Nomination forms for parent representative positions on the School Advisory Committee 2023-2024 are available from the Administration Office. Alternatively you can request a nomination from via email
The responsibilities of the SAC are to:
- promote the Catholic ethos of the school
- provide feedback on and review of school policies
- plan for the future of the school and its ability to accommodate future enrolments
- provide advice on budget planning and finance-related matters
- contribute to the selection process for the school principal (when the position is advertised)
- provide advice on the appropriate provision of faith development and Religious Education programs
- promote child safety in the school
Our current 2022-2023 School Advisory Committee comprises of the following members:
- Chairperson - Liz Jones
- Parish Priest - Fr. Brendan Hogan
- Parent Representative - Danielle Davis (Secretary)
- Parent Representative - Julie Gubbels
- Parent Representative - Stephanie Miller
- Parent Representative - Marina Valladares
- Staff Representative - Helen Fourna
- Staff/Parish Representative - Lize Privitera
Please don’t hesitate to email or make contact with the office OR a member of the School Advisory Committee if you have any questions.
Book Week
Dress up in your favourite character for Book Week 2023 tomorrow! Students are invited to come to school dressed as their favourite book character. A parade is planned to take place during a morning Assembly on Friday 25th August beginning at 9.00am. All parents and friends are welcome to attend and join in the fun of dressing up too! Therefore, Friday Assembly will be held in the morning beginning at 9.00am tomorrow.
Upcoming Father’s Day – as part of celebrating Father’s Day a special Assembly is planned following this year’s Father’s Day breakfast. Families are invited to send photos of dads, guardians, grandfathers and special friends to be included in a special PowerPoint presentation. Please send photos to please note these photos will be shown during the morning whole school assembly. Photos accepted by the close of business on Monday 28/8. Thank you.
It’s MMPS PAJAMA Day on Thursday 31st August 2023. We are ending the winter months with a PJ Day at MMPS. Students are welcome to wear their pjs to school! Please consider suitable/appropriate sleepwear and footwear for the day. Families are asked to donate a gold coin which will go towards purchasing more board games in the new outdoor seating areas.
Bravehearts Day – Wear the colour purple on Wednesday 30th August Senior students will be provided with merchandise wristbands due to their Camp attendance. Please read notice further on in the Child Safe Standards section of this newsletter.
First Communion celebrations continue this weekend at Our Lady Help of Christians Parish. We keep in our prayers the following students who will be receiving Jesus in the most holy Eucharist for the first time. Congratulations to Aria, Sophie, Noah, Layla, Jasmine & David.
Mary MacKillop Today - The Foundation sends their thanks and appreciation to all members of our school community for our recent fundraising efforts. The CEO Jane Woolford is grateful for our wonderful support and generosity. Thank your for your support.
Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A
Sunday, August 27, 2023
Matthew 16:13-20
Simon Peter acknowledges Jesus as the Christ and is given the key to the Kingdom of Heaven.
In this Gospel, Jesus recognizes the disciple Peter as an important leader because Peter professes his belief that Jesus is the Messiah. Jesus commends Peter for this, not because he came to this belief on his own, but because God allowed Peter to recognize Jesus as his only Son. Peter played an important role in the early Christian community and helped to build the Church. This was a role given to him by God. We continue to honour Peter and those who have followed him as leaders in the Church. Today we recognize and honour the pope as Peter’s successor. Like Peter, the pope reminds us that we are a people united in the faith that Jesus is God’s Son. Who are some leaders in our Church today and why is it important for our Church to have good leaders?
Child Safe Standards
Our school is safe, student centred and animated by our school values.
We aim to Inspire Hearts and Minds.
"Children are the future of the human family: all of us are expected to promote their growth, health and tranquillity." Pope Francis 2021
At Mary MacKillop Primary School, we believe that ensuring the safety of the students in our care is an integral part of who we are as a Catholic faith community. We adhere to Victorian Child Safe Standards and Ministerial Order No. 1359. We embed a culture of child safety and the matter is taken very seriously.
MMPS Child Safe Standards
Child Safe Policy
Child friendly version of Child Safe Policy (updated June 2022) Congratulations to our Year 6 Student Leaders on their creation of the student friendly version of the Child Safe Policy. This policy has been uploaded to our website. Child Safe page and can be found in the following link
Parental Use of Mobile Phones (Privacy Laws)
Catholic Education Commission of Victoria (CECV)
The updated CECV Statement of Commitment to Child Safety - A safe, nurturing and empowering culture for all children and young people in Catholic schools, is attached to this newsletter. This statement has been updated in light of the revised Child Safe Standards coming into effect from 1 July 2022 and the supporting Ministerial Order No. 1359
Parent Education - Rescources to support parents and carers
- eSafety Commissioner
- For Families
- Online safety for every family
- Express learning for busy families
- eSafety's express learning series provides parents and carers with practical tips and advice on common online safety concerns. The videos are 5 to 10 minutes long and cover four important topics, including
- Setting up parental controls
- Digital technologies and mental health
- Cyberbullying and online drama
- Online sexual harassment and image-based abuse
- eSafety's express learning series provides parents and carers with practical tips and advice on common online safety concerns. The videos are 5 to 10 minutes long and cover four important topics, including
- Express learning for busy families
- Online safety for every family
- CCYP - Commission for Children and Young People
- School TV
- Respectful Language Special Report
This month on SchoolTV - Respectful Relationships
Fostering a nurturing environment of respectful relationships within your family holds the key to not only harmonious living, but also improved academic outcomes for your children. As parents and caregivers, embracing the art of teaching children about respect at a young age sets the stage for a lifetime of healthy interactions and empathetic understanding. It will help cultivate a positive environment where communication flourishes, conflicts are resolved constructively, and bonds are fortified.
Teaching children to respect themselves and others will open up avenues for both personal growth and academic achievement. Fostering an environment where respect is not just a word, but a practiced behaviour, will empower young people with essential life skills. Effective communication, active listening, and the art of compromise, will provide your child with a solid foundation that will transcend family interactions and help them collaborate effectively with peers, teachers and the broader community.
Equipping children with an understanding of healthy versus unhealthy relationships is an important aspect of their development. It will guide them to make informed choices, foster positive connections, and set boundaries that contribute to their emotional wellbeing. Understanding the nuances between healthy and unhealthy relationships provides children with the essential tools to navigate their social world, build self-esteem, and cultivate meaningful relationships.
In this edition of SchoolTV, learn how to empower young people in healthy interactions to embrace differences and forge connections that honour their self-worth. We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this month’s edition, and we always welcome your feedback.
If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact the school for further information or seek medical or professional help.
Here is the link to your special report
- Bravehearts
- Happy Families
- Password: happymmnwn
- Your Insight article for this week: The How-to's of Healthy Parental Involvement
Child Safety & Wellbeing
Child Safety will be the focus of the upcoming week's classroom activities as we approach National Child Protection Week. All families have received information today describing upcoming events and activities that prioritize the health and safety of children and young people.
Bravehearts Day is dedicated to raising funds and awareness for the prevention of child sexual abuse. Held annually since 1997, Bravehearts Day (previously White Balloon Day) has changed the way Australians think about and respond to the crime of child sexual abuse.
- In support of Bravehearts day and raising awareness, students and families are invited to wear a splash of purple on Wednesday 30th August. Each Year 6 student will be provided with a Bravehearts wristband. GIFT A BRAVE HEART by donating to this very worthy organisation
Australia’s Biggest Child Safety Lesson (ABCSL) is all about consent! Proudly produced by Daniel Morcombe Foundation.
- All classes will view the live stream on Tuesday 5th September 2023 - [Parents/Carers are welcome to join classes]
- Communicating about consent in a respectful way can help children assert their right to stay comfortable and enforce their right to stay safe.
- Early Years and Lower Primary from 9am AEST
- Upper Primary from 10am AEST
For more information, please see the letter that was sent via PAM to every family. Additionally, each Level will send letters to families early the next week describing its participation in the ABCSL and other child safety-related content included in its program.
For more information please visit
National Child Protection Week is happening across Australia from Sunday 3 to Saturday 9 September 2023. It’s an opportunity to recognise and promote the safety and wellbeing of Australian children with the message that ‘Every child, in every community, needs a fair go’. To support National Child Protection Week 2023, eSafety has learning activities for students in Years 3 to 6, our students will participate in a virtual classroom that explores how students can identify boundaries and support each other to be safe online. Students in these levels will be participating in the e-Safety Commissioners session on Be an eSafe Kid: Protect yourself.
R U OK? Day 2023 is Thursday 14 September. Wear a splash of yellow
It is a national day of action, when we are all reminded that every day is the day to ask, are you OK?
- R U OK? Day encourages people to stay connected and to let the people in your world know you are really there through meaningful conversations. A simple conversation could change a life.
It has been a very busy Term in the Discovery Centre. Junior students have been making patterns and sorting objects, collecting data along the way. They have then been able to use digital devices to represent this data.
In Years 3& 4 students have been using the Dash & Dot robots, learning a variety of different ways to code them by using sequences, loops and events. Year 4 students used this knowledge to also create algorithms on the Scratch platform to create animations.
Algorithms have also been a focus for Senior students, They have been following and designing algorithms which involve repetition and branching taking the user of the program to different outcomes. They have used robots and created games on the Scratch platform demonstrate these skills.
Name | Class | Award |
Samuel | 1-BC | Learning Awards - Be Responsible |
Naya | 2-SE | Learning Award - Be Compassionate |
Allyson-May | 2-SE | Learning Award - Be Compassionate |
Lily | 3-AB | Learning Awards - Be Responsible |
Tahlia | 3-AB | Learning Awards - Be Courageous |
Lucas | 3-RJ | Learning Awards - Be Problem Solvers |
Eliza | 5-SD | Learning Awards - Be Responsible |
Joshua | 6-MV | Learning Awards - Be Responsible |
Andre | F-GD | Learning Awards - Be Courageous |
Alexia | F-GD | Learning Awards - Be Responsible |
Olivia | F-GD | Learning Awards - Be Problem Solvers |
Darcy | F-SL | Learning Awards - Be Responsible |
Dustin | F-SL | Learning Awards - Be Responsible |