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Our Explicit Improvement Agenda
Student Voice and Agency
Planning for Improved Student Learning
Celebrations of Learning
End of Term - Dress Up Day, Student Parade and Display of Student Learning from Term 2
To celebrate our students’ voice and agency and their learning during Term 2, students are invited to DRESS UP as a SCIENTIST, INVENTOR or ENGINEER on - Thursday 22 June (last day of Term 2 for students). A parade of student dress ups and showcase of student learning (displays, models and photos from Term 2) will take place on Thursday (22-6-23) morning from 9.00 to 9.30 am - parents are most welcome to join us for the Term 2 Dress Up Parade and student learning display in the Allen Hall.

Our Inquiry Focus for Term 2 included Design & Technology and Science. Classrooms are buzzing with experiments, designing and testing hypothesis. Students used the design process to guide the planning and creation of models to meet specific criteria and reflected on the process. They explored living and non living things and how food gets from paddock to plate. Students investigated what plants and animals need to survive and created model farms where life cycle were explained. We look forward to sharing their learning with you at the Showcase of learning on Thursday 22 June.
Semester One SIMON Reports and Term 2 Student Learning Portfolios
Student Semester One Reports will be uploaded into PAM (Parent Access Module) on Wednesday 21 June and the Term 2 Student Learning Portfolio will be distributed at the end of the school day in conjunction with the Semester One Report. We encourage parents to write feedback for your child’s learning in Term 2 on the feedback sheet provided in your child’s Student Learning Portfolio. Please return the Student Learning Portfolio at the beginning of Term 3 so your child can continue documenting their learning journey.
PSG Meetings
Term 2 PSG Meetings will be held over the next two weeks. The PSG meeting focus is to review and monitor student plans such as a Personalised Learning Plan [PLP], Student Adjustment and Evaluation Plan [SAEP], Behaviour Support Plan [BSP] and/or Safety Plan. The PSG also provides an opportunity to work in partnership with parents, the student and other professional agencies for improved student learning outcomes. We look forward to our PSG meetings over the next few weeks.
Winter Lightning Premiership
Our Year 6 students participated in the Winter Lightning Premiership yesterday and were lucky enough to miss the heavy downpour of rain that was predicted. Congratulations to our Senior Students on their behaviour, participation and sportsmanship. Photos of the Lightning Premiership Teams are included in this edition of the newsletter. A big thank you to Mr Tim, teachers, ESO staff and parents who assisted to ensure this event was a success and a great opportunity for our students to attend - thank you!.
Regional Cross Country
The following students Noah C, Katya K,Telina T, Tyler S, Lily C, Annabelle I, Leonardo M will participate in the Regional Cross Country event to be held next Wednesday 14 June in Hastings - we wish them all the very best in this high level of competition and look forward to hearing of their achievements!
Celebrations of Community
Thank you - Winter Fundraiser
Our celebration of Winter last week raised $998.80! A great effort by all who wore their woollen beanies and/or ordered their Subway lunch. The money raised will go towards the development of our outside learning area under the newly installed Shade Sail in the Brunswick Courtyard. Thank you to everyone who participated for their efforts.
Father’s Day Breakfast - change of dates
As our Year 6 students will be on Camp from Wednesday 30 August to Friday 1 September, we will hold our annual Father’s Day Breakfast on Wednesday morning 30 August, so our Year 6 students don’t miss out on this very important celebration in our school community. The calendar of school dates and events has been updated to reflect these changes. More information about the Father’s Day Breakfast will be shared in the newsletter when we get closer to the date. The Father’s Day Stall will be run by our Year 6 students on Tuesday 29 August.
School Advisory Committee
The School Advisory Committee met on Tuesday night and some items on the agenda included updates to Child Safety initiatives in our school, OHS audits, Emergency Management Planning, maintenance works, setting of school fees for 2024, finance and sharing student learning for Term 2. Our next School Advisory Committee will be held in Term 3 on Tuesday 1 August and the AGM will be held early in Term 4 on Tuesday 17 October at 7.00 pm. Parent nominations for the AGM will be advertised during Term 3.
School Dates and Events
School Dates and Events for Term 3 and 4 have been updated to include the following events - Write a Book in a Day Competition, Book Week Dress Up day, Father’s Day Stall and Father’s Day Breakfast/Assembly. A reminder Monday 12 June is the King’s Birthday public holiday.
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, Cycle A
Sunday, June 11, 2023
John 6:51-58
Jesus says, “I am the living bread.”
This Sunday we celebrate a second solemnity during this period of Ordinary Time in the liturgical calendar. Next Sunday is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. This day was once called Corpus Christi, which is Latin for “Body of Christ.” In the Gospel, Jesus tells us about a different kind of food. Bread gives us life and nourishes our bodies. Jesus is the living bread who saves us from sin and gives us life forever with God in heaven. The sacraments give us God’s grace. Jesus gives us a special gift in the Sacrament of the Eucharist. The bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Jesus. The Eucharist nourishes our souls and strengthens our faith. Jesus is truly with us in this sacrament.
Our faith teaches us that when we gather to celebrate Mass, Jesus is present to us. The bread and wine truly become the Body and Blood of Christ. This is what we mean by the word transubstantiation: Jesus makes himself present to all who receive the Body and Blood of Christ.
Children in your family who have already celebrated their First Holy Communion, invite them to share their memories of this special day. If there are family photos taken on this occasion, bring them out and share them together. Adults in the family may also share memories or photos that they have of their First Communion. Reflect together on what Jesus means when he calls himself the “living bread.” Recall that every time we receive the Eucharist, Jesus keeps the promise he made in the Gospel—those who eat his flesh and drink his blood will remain forever connected to him. Perhaps family members can share what it means for them to receive Jesus in the Eucharist. Together thank God for this gift of Holy Communion.
Pray: Jesus, the Bread of Life, you are truly with us in the Eucharist. We love you and believe in you. Thank you for the gift of your loving presence.
SAVE THE DATE! The Feast of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop: A School Family Mass will be celebrated at Our Lady Help of Christians Church on Saturday 5th August 2023 at 6.30pm. Students and families are invited to take on special roles for this Parish Mass. Watch this space for further details.
Student Fundraisers - Several of the student-led fundraising groups thanked the school community for its assistance, completed their competitions, and announced the sums raised per stall during assembly last Friday. In the course of tomorrow's Assembly, the remaining groups will present. The overall total raised was an amazing $2015.45. Again, many thanks to all of you. Each fundraising team received a certificate of appreciation and on the attached poster, they expressed their gratitude to everyone. The photos reflect their wonderful efforts and enjoyment. Well done.
Fee Accounts
Thank you to all families who have paid their fee accounts in a timely manner or have entered into a direct debit or Centrepay arrangement with the school. We appreciate your continued support. Term 2 fee accounts and any arrears or declined direct debit payments were due and payable on 15th May 2023.
Families are reminded that timely payments of fees are an expectation of all families enrolled at Mary MacKillop.
Families who fall behind on fee payments are requested to email to discuss options available to help support your family meet your fee commitment to the school. We have a number of financial options that can support families who are experiencing financial hardship, but we can not help you if you do not contact us for support.
Families who do not contact the school and continue to ignore fee reminders may have their fee account forward to DOSCEL for collection. All outstanding fee accounts are expected to be paid by 19th June 2023.
Term 3 fee payment is due on 24th July 2023. All fees up to Term 3 are expected to be paid by this date unless you have a direct debit or Centrepay arrangement in place.
Yesterday , all year 6 students participated in the Berwick District lightning premiership day in the sports of Teeball, Soccer and Netball. All students represented their school with pride, enthusiasm and skill. Here are some comments from the teachers:
TEEBALL - We were so proud of the students sportsmanship as they competed against different teams. Win,lose or draw , they represented the school proudly as they cheered each other on and congratulated opponents at the end of the game. It was terrific to see their skills improve with each game (Mrs. Vlajankov)
NETBALL - All netballers participated with enthusiasm and were encouraging towards each other and the other schools. It was wonderful to see the sportsmanship and student ownership at play throughout the day, as well as some excellent displays of netball. A great day was had by all! (Mrs. Fisher)
SOCCER - Our soccer players were amazing with their skills, effort and enthusiasm. It was great to see them win so many games and show improvement in each game and discuss the learnings they gained from the experience. (Mr. Timothy)
Thank you to all parents who assisted on the day . Without your help, these events, cannot go ahead , and we truly appreciate your efforts.
Next Wednesday , Katya, Noah C, Tyler S,Telina, Lily C and Annabelle will be competing in the Southern Metropolitan Cross Country Championships. We wish them all the best in this high level of competition.
Child Safe Standards
Our school is safe, student centred and animated by our school values.
We aim to Inspire Hearts and Minds.
"Children are the future of the human family: all of us are expected to promote their growth, health and tranquillity." Pope Francis 2021
At Mary MacKillop Primary School, we believe that ensuring the safety of the students in our care is an integral part of who we are as a Catholic faith community. We adhere to Victorian Child Safe Standards and Ministerial Order No. 1359. We embed a culture of child safety and the matter is taken very seriously.
MMPS Child Safe Standards
Child Safe Policy
Child friendly version of Child Safe Policy (updated June 2022) Congratulations to our Year 6 Student Leaders on their creation of the student friendly version of the Child Safe Policy. This policy has been uploaded to our website. Child Safe page and can be found in the following link
Parental Use of Mobile Phones (Privacy Laws)
Catholic Education Commission of Victoria (CECV)
The updated CECV Statement of Commitment to Child Safety - A safe, nurturing and empowering culture for all children and young people in Catholic schools, is attached to this newsletter. This statement has been updated in light of the revised Child Safe Standards coming into effect from 1 July 2022 and the supporting Ministerial Order No. 1359
Parent Education - Rescources to support parents and carers
- eSafety Commissioner
- For Families
- Online safety for every family
- Express learning for busy families
- eSafety's express learning series provides parents and carers with practical tips and advice on common online safety concerns. The videos are 5 to 10 minutes long and cover four important topics, including
- Setting up parental controls
- Digital technologies and mental health
- Cyberbullying and online drama
- Online sexual harassment and image-based abuse
- eSafety's express learning series provides parents and carers with practical tips and advice on common online safety concerns. The videos are 5 to 10 minutes long and cover four important topics, including
- Express learning for busy families
- Online safety for every family
- CCYP - Commission for Children and Young People
- School TV
- Bravehearts
- Happy Families
- Password: happymmnwn
- Here is your latest weekly insight 'Are you a good listener?'
Name | Class | Award |
Paul | 3-RJ | Learning Award - Be Compassionate |
Lattika | 4-HF | Learning Awards - Be Problem Solvers |
Ashton | 4-HF | Learning Awards - Be Responsible |
Eden | F-GD | Learning Awards - Be Responsible |
Jonah | F-GD | Learning Awards - Be Problem Solvers |
Zac | F-SL | Learning Awards - Be Responsible |
Riley | F-SL | Learning Awards - Be Responsible |
Gabriel | 1-BC | Learning Awards - Be Responsible |
Emilija | 1-ER | Learning Awards - Be Courageous |
Christian | 1-ER | Learning Awards - Be Responsible |
Skylar | 1-BC | Learning Awards - Be Problem Solvers |
Violet | 2-SE | Learning Awards - Be Courageous |
Elodie | 3-AB | Learning Award - Be Respectful |
Dior | 5-SD | Learning Awards - Be Courageous |
Annabelle | 6-MV | Learning Awards - Be Responsible |
David | 4-HF | Learning Awards - Be Problem Solvers |