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Our Explicit Improvement Agenda
Student Voice and Agency
Planning for Improved Student Learning
Celebrations of Learning
Division Cross Country
Our warmest congratulations to Lily, Noah C, Annabelle, Katya, Leonardo, Zac, Archer, Tyler, Telina and Leeya on their participation in Division Cross Country on Wednesday. They achieved amazing results. See the Physical Education section of today's newsletter for further information and photos.
The following students Noah C, Katya K,Telina T, Tyler S, Lily C, Annabelle I, Leonardo M will now participate in the Regional Cross Country event to be held on Wednesday 14 June in Hastings - well done on getting to this high level of competition!
Indigenous Designs
Congratulations to our students on their creativity. Below is a sample of our amazing and talented students Indigenous Design Guernseys creations.

In 2021 our school engaged in the DOSCEL Review process which ensured we met VRQA (Victorian Regulation Qualifications Authority) requirements and undertook review under the National School Improvement Tool (NSIT) framework. We are due for our next review in 2025. In the meantime, our explicit improvement agenda - Student Voice and Agency & Planning for Improved Student Learning has been our driving force on our path of continuous school improvement. Last Friday, the leadership team invited DOSCEL Review staff to conduct a mid-review to ascertain how well we are meeting our goals and targets outlined in the NSIT Review documentation. Teachers and students were interviewed by DOSCEL staff and the feedback we received confirmed our collective commitment and relentless approach to improving the educational outcomes of our students. We were both elated and humbled by the progress made and the ownership displayed by our students in their role in developing their student voice and agency. We look forward to continuing on our path of improvement and in supporting our students as proactive agents in their learning.
In this week’s MMPS News Addison and Madelene shared student learning in Year 6 where students designed electrical circuits and shared Three Good Things. In this week’s newsletter we share photos of our students’ Indigenous Designs, Year 6MV Prayer Cloth and Regional Cross news. Happy reading . . .
Celebrations of Community
Celebrating Winter
Our thanks to all who participated in our Welcome to Winter - Beanie / Subway lunch day today - it was great to see so many students and staff wearing their Winter woolly hats. It is hard to believe Winter is already upon us!
Just a reminder to parents the Winter uniform includes the Mary MacKillop woollen beanie as well as a lined jacket. Parents are most welcome to visit our 2nd hand uniform shop to stock up on spare Winter uniform items.
Welcome Garden
Thank you to everyone for their care and concern over the act of vandalism in our Welcome Garden. Sometime on Monday evening, the statue of Our Lady was broken off and smashed in the upper car park. The statue was a visible sign of our connections to our Parish and we are most appreciative of the the thoughtfulness, care and concern shown by all in our school community - thank you. If you have any information, please contact the school office on 8794 5777 or email
School Advisory Committee
The School Advisory Committee will meet next week on Tuesday 6 June at 7.00 pm in the Staffroom. Our SAC is made up of elected parent representatives - Julie (mum of Olivia 6PF), Danielle (mum of Imogen 5JB & Jensen 2SE), Stephanie (mum of Charlotte 2EM), Marina (mum of Ava 2EM and Matteo FSL) and Yogeshwar (dad of Maya 1BC). We acknowledge and thank the SAC members for their time, insights and recommendations. At next week’s SAC Meeting one of the items we will be discussing is the setting the school fees for the 2024 school year. We are very mindful of keeping costs and any increases in school fees to a minimum.
School Dates and Events
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, Cycle A
Sunday, June 4, 2023
John 3:16-18
God sent his Son into the world to save the world.
This week we return to the liturgical season of Ordinary Time. This Sunday and next, however, are designated as solemnities—special days that call our attention to central mysteries of our faith. Next Sunday on Trinity Sunday we celebrate the mystery of the Holy Trinity, one God in three persons. In next Sunday’s Gospel, we hear how God the Father showed his great love for us. This Sunday, as the Easter season has ended, we are invited to learn about God: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This Sunday we celebrate the Holy Trinity, three Persons in one God. We celebrate the solemnity of Trinity Sunday to rejoice that God chooses to interact with us in different, loving ways. The Trinity is a way to talk about how we experience God’s love for us.
The Berwick Sub-Branch Returned and Services League of Australia extend thanks to the students and the school community for supporting the recent Anzac Day Appeal. The monies raised go to RSL Welfare to help veterans of all services who need assistance. Our School raised $151.00 Thankyou!
Student Led Fundraiser Groups will finalize prizes and competitions tomorrow during our afternoon Assembly. The students will also announce the amounts raised for their particular charity. Once again, we thank you for supporting the afternoon’s events. As children from Foundation to Year 6 visited the stalls and supported each one's fundraising efforts, the enthusiasm and excitement filled the hall. The students and their families deserve congratulations for organising the fundraisers. These students reached out to help those in need; our students genuinely championed student voice and agency.
In 6-MV we chose the quote "Trust In the Goodness of God" From Mary Mackillop in 1873. The quote is about us trusting in the goodness of God to bring Jesus into the world to help us with our challenges.
We drew a cross and added puzzled pieces together to symolise how we all fit together and how Jesus helps us to support each other and be kind to each other.
We wrote our names on the cross in a puzzle piece because we are all together as a class and community. We drew flowers on the cloth to symbolise how we all grow together in our learning and our faith and we drew a path to represent our journey in life.
Congratulations to the following students who competed in the Casey North Division Cross Country Carnival yesterday: Lily C - 10th Leonardo - 12th , Zac - 24th, Telina - 5th , Noah - 10th, Leeya- 20th, Katya- 5th, Archer- 22nd and Tyler S- 6th WHAT A FANTASTIC EFFORT BY OUR STUDENTS!!
All students who finished in the top 10 have qualified for the Regional Carnival on June 14th. As there are only 6 children attending , parents are expected to take their child to and from this event. Details were given to children yesterday after their race.
On Wednesday June 7, all senior students will participate in the Berwick District Lightning Premiership Day in the following sports: Netball, Soccer and Teeball. Please complete your child’s permission eform if you haven't already done so.
Child Safe Standards
Our school is safe, student centred and animated by our school values.
We aim to Inspire Hearts and Minds.
"Children are the future of the human family: all of us are expected to promote their growth, health and tranquillity." Pope Francis 2021
At Mary MacKillop Primary School, we believe that ensuring the safety of the students in our care is an integral part of who we are as a Catholic faith community. We adhere to Victorian Child Safe Standards and Ministerial Order No. 1359. We embed a culture of child safety and the matter is taken very seriously.
MMPS Child Safe Standards
Child Safe Policy
Child friendly version of Child Safe Policy (updated June 2022) Congratulations to our Year 6 Student Leaders on their creation of the student friendly version of the Child Safe Policy. This policy has been uploaded to our website. Child Safe page and can be found in the following link
Parental Use of Mobile Phones (Privacy Laws)
Catholic Education Commission of Victoria (CECV)
The updated CECV Statement of Commitment to Child Safety - A safe, nurturing and empowering culture for all children and young people in Catholic schools, is attached to this newsletter. This statement has been updated in light of the revised Child Safe Standards coming into effect from 1 July 2022 and the supporting Ministerial Order No. 1359
Parent Education - Rescources to support parents and carers
- eSafety Commissioner
- For Families
- Upcoming webinar: Getting started with social media
- Learn how to navigate your child's social media use with eSafety's upcoming webinar, Getting started with social media: TikTok, YouTube, Instagram.
- Parents and carers can introduce their children to social media whilst maintaining healthy boundaries around technology use. This webinar helps parents build their children's digital skills and confidence, allowing them to have more positive experiences and better deal with risks online.
- Join us for practical tips and advice on topics that include creating a positive digital identity, privacy and online sharing, and what to do if something goes wrong online.
- Register now for webinar
- Term 2 dates (Australian Eastern Standard Time)
- 8 June 12:30 pm to 1:00 pm
- Registration link
- Online safety for every family
- Express learning for busy families
- eSafety's express learning series provides parents and carers with practical tips and advice on common online safety concerns. The videos are 5 to 10 minutes long and cover four important topics, including
- Setting up parental controls
- Digital technologies and mental health
- Cyberbullying and online drama
- Online sexual harassment and image-based abuse
- eSafety's express learning series provides parents and carers with practical tips and advice on common online safety concerns. The videos are 5 to 10 minutes long and cover four important topics, including
- Express learning for busy families
- Upcoming webinar: Getting started with social media
- CCYP - Commission for Children and Young People
- School TV
- Bravehearts
- Happy Families
- Password: happymmnwn
- Here is your latest weekly insight 'Grades do not define or worth'
NATIONAL CHILD PROTECTION WEEK 2023 ART ACTIVITY - Entry for this Art Activity is now open. NAPCAN is looking for artworks to show what children and young people think about their relationships with family, friends and community. These will then be used in the campaign (leading up to September) to help show that protecting children is about all of us working together. For further information go to the website
Name | Class | Award |
Emma | 1-BC | Learning Awards - Be Responsible |
Nathaniel | 3-RJ | Learning Award - Be Compassionate |
Aaliyah | 4-HF | Learning Awards - Be Courageous |
Jasmine | 4-HF | Learning Awards - Be Problem Solvers |
Lucia | F-SL | Learning Awards - Be Responsible |
Hazel | F-SL | Learning Awards - Be Responsible |
Lucas | 1-BC | Learning Awards - Be Problem Solvers |
Tamer | 1-ER | Learning Awards - Be Responsible |
Ivana | 1-ER | Learning Awards - Be Courageous |
Ram | 2-SE | Learning Awards - Be Responsible |
Theodore | 2-SE | Learning Awards - Be Courageous |
Nakira | 3-AB | Learning Awards - Be Responsible |
Jeremy | 5-SD | Learning Awards - Be Responsible |
David | 6-MV | Learning Awards - Be Responsible |
Zayn | F-GD | Learning Awards - Be Responsible |
Nicholas | F-GD | Learning Awards - Be Courageous |